What We’re Doing to Help You Stay Safe During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Letter to Our Patients
Given the current risks, concerns, and fears of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic it is quite reasonable to ask questions such as, “How do I protect myself when I have to go to the grocery store?” or “Should I keep my doctor’s appointments?” There are no definite answers to these questions. However, I would like to share with you what I am doing to balance the need to care for your eyes with the need for social distancing.
1. As I have done for the last seven years, I will continue to limit the number of patients scheduled to see me each day. As such, the reception area is rarely full allowing my patients to maintain some distance from each other.
2. Upon entering the office all patients will be screened for symptoms of illness or recent travel. If either are present the individual will be asked to reschedule to another time.
3. On a daily basis my staff use a disinfectant to wipe down all non-medical surfaces (such as reception chairs and tables).
4. All medical surfaces (exam room chairs, testing equipment surfaces, etc.) are wiped down between each patient exam such that all surfaces that will be touched by the next patient have been disinfected.
5. I and my staff use a medical-grade hand sanitizer before and after each patient exam or testing encounter (and recommend that all patients use a hand sanitizer upon arrival available at the check-in desk).
6. We will no longer be shaking hands.
7. We encourage everyone that needs testing to come into the office on separate “testing days” (generally Mondays and Tuesdays) during which only one to two patients are scheduled at a given time. This also limits one’s exposure to others.
8. For those with glaucoma who simply need to have an intraocular pressure checked you may call to schedule an “IOP check only” visit (at no charge) on a testing day. I will not be present to review your IOP as I teach the USC ophthalmology residents during office testing days. However, I will review this information when I return to the office and discuss the results with you on your following in-office or “virtual visit” (see next item).
9. For my established patients who have scheduled separate “testing only” days and for whom I feel it would be appropriate, I am now offering “virtual visits” with me by phone or video. The purpose of such visits would be primarily to review the testing results and make treatment adjustments for pre-existing conditions (such as glaucoma). Please note that current technology does not allow for accurate evaluation or diagnosis of new-onset symptoms such as blurred vision or a painful or red eye. These still require in-office evaluations. If you are interested in scheduling a “virtual visit” please call my office for details.
I am hopeful that the above measures will provide peace of mind in our shared goal of maintaining both your overall and ocular health.
Warm regards,
David D. Richardson, M.D.
Other Efforts Being Made
In addition to what’s been mentioned on the letter that we sent out to all our patients (left side of this page), here are other efforts that we’re doing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Care Packages For Our Patients
Our patients are provided with care packages, which include individual wipes and a home care & precautions card.
Face Masks
Both patients and staff are required to wear Face masks.
Sneeze Guards
Plexiglass shields or barriers have been placed at check-in and check-out counters.
Fewer Staff in Office
We’ve reduced the number of staff in the office each day to maintain social distancing and limit the number of people each patient is exposed to while in the office.
Compressed Workweek
Office hours during the pandemic are now 8:30am – 4pm:
- 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
- Every Monday (testing only), Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Enhanced Imaging of the Eye
In order to reduce the amount of time you and Dr. Richardson must spend in close face-to-face proximity, we’ve invested in the CenterVue EIDON imaging system. This allows Dr. Richardson to evaluate the retina in great detail and in certain situations may allow for the deferral of a dilated exam (further reducing the amount of time that patients are required to stay in the office).

Latest News and Tips From Glaucoma Research Foundation:
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but a trusted physician as well.