What is Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a common disease of the eye which results from the dysfunction in the eye’s drainage system that leads to irreversible blindness. Clogging of this drainage system eventually results in an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) which damages the eye’s delicate structures, especially the nerve responsible for vision (optic nerve).
Diabetes is a Risk Factor for Open-Angle Glaucoma
You May Be At Risk
The most common type of glaucoma – Open-angle type glaucoma, is hereditary. Glaucoma is 4 to 9 times more likely if you have an immediate family member who has suffered from the disease. Although glaucoma is commonly documented in the elderly, genetics is the main culprit behind the early development of glaucoma seen in most African American, Hispanics and Asian young adults.
Early Detection and Proper Treatment Can Potentially Save Your Vision
Primary open-angle glaucoma cannot be prevented. It is not curable and vision lost, as a result of optic nerve damaged, cannot be regained. By the time you notice something is wrong with your vision, the disease is already quite advanced and blindness is no longer impossible. The only way to protect yourself from this disease is to get screened for glaucoma. The earlier it gets detected the lesser the complications and treatment expenses.
Glaucoma Testing Doesn’t Hurt
Your first visit may include thorough examinations of your optic nerve and visual field using state-of-the-art technology. Both exams are simple and painless, and only take a short time to perform. Absolutely no poking, cutting or painful, burning drops! Allow up to two hours for your visit. Dr. Richardson takes pride in the thoroughness of his exams and will take the time to answer your questions.
A common complication of diabetes is diabetic eye disease. Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of sight-threatening eye problems that people with diabetes may develop. Glaucoma is one of these diseases
[Source: Glaucoma Research Foundation]
If you have DIABETES you are twice as likely to develop GLAUCOMA as other adults.
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