My husband had canaloplasty on [month hidden] 4th, and has had nothing but problems since. I have read so much about you and your work and am at a loss and needed an opinion from someone else. As I said the surgery was done on [month hidden] 4th in Missouri, daily the eye got worse, the iris attached to the canal, severe swelling and then he had to go back in for more surgeries, the traditional glaucoma surgery was done, as well as opening the canaloplasty up again, detaching the iris from the canal and removing part of the iris that was damaged, now with severe swelling, very small vision from this eye and the scar tissue is growing over the canal and pressure is back up in the 30’s, we are at a loss. My husband is 51 years old and due to the pressure has quite a lot of headaches. I pray you can give some advice in any form”
Dear ******,
I am very sorry to hear that your husband’s experience with canaloplasty was not as expected. Unfortunately, the ethical and professional standards of my California medical license prohibit me from giving medical advice to someone I have never examined. Additionally, whenever surgery does not go as planned, an exam at the slit lamp (microscope) is absolutely critical in determining the cause of the problem. Without such an exam nothing of any value can actually be said by anyone (no matter what the experience).
Although it would require a bit of travel, I can recommend a very talented, experienced, and caring canaloplasty surgeon in Baton Rouge, LA: Dr. Michael Morgan. I would trust my own eyes in his hands. If your husband is interested in a second opinion then I’d recommend he see Dr. Morgan.
Sorry I could not be of more assistance.
Warm regards,
David Richardson, MD
Date: May 5, 2014
Posted in: Canaloplasty Safety and Efficacy, Canaloplasty Surgeons