Hi, I am 55 & have narrow angle glaucoma. I had urgent iridotomies 5 months ago, which were successful, but my IOP is still high & angles still narrow, even with drops. I have recently read an article about Cataract surgery helping glaucoma patients (with or without cataracts). I do not have cataracts, but would lens replacement surgery give me more room in the eye, & better ‘prescription’ eyesight (I am longsighted), or have I misunderstood the whole concept. thankyou.
Dear ******,
Your understanding of the concept is correct. Here in the USA, however, removal of an otherwise clear lens is not embraced as a treatment for narrow angle glaucoma. There are a few reasons for this. One is that removal of a clear lens has significant risks (including loss of vision – though rare). Another is that most insurances do not recognize glaucoma as a reason to remove the natural lens so they often refuse to pay for the surgery.
Warm regards,
David Richardson, MD
Patient-Focused Ophthalmologist
San Marino Eye
2020 Huntington Drive
San Marino, CA 91108
Patient-Focused Websites:
Date: Sep 13, 2012
Posted in: Glaucoma