2020 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108


Hi Doctor, Do you know any clinic or doctor who practices canaloplasty in India?



Dear ******,

I believe that Dr. Ganesh Venkataraman at the Aravind Eye Institute performs Canaloplasty.

Alternatively, the “father of canaloplasty,” Dr. Robert Stegmann, is in Pretoria, South Africa which is much closer to Nigeria than is India. You may want to investigate the potential of a trip to South Africa.

Here’s what I can find. He is not that all visible….Robert Stegmann, MD, can be reached at the Medical University of South Africa, P.O. Box Medunsa 0204, Pretoria, South Africa; +(27) 12-521-4111; fax: +(27) 12-560-0086.


Warm regards,
David Richardson, MD

Date: July 13, 2015


Posted in: Canaloplasty Surgeons