You Could Be Going Blind and Not Know It
Glaucoma, The “Silent Thief of Sight”Glaucoma is a common disease of the eye which results from the dysfunction in the eye’s drainage system that leads to irreversible blindness. Clogging of this drainage system eventually results in an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) which damages the eye’s delicate structures, especially the nerve responsible for vision (optic nerve).
There are NO SYMPTOMS …
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness around the world. It affects nearly 60 Million people worldwide. Unfortunately, glaucoma is a silent disease. There are no symptoms until it’s too late. In fact, only half of those who have glaucoma know it.
The Damage is Permanent . BLINDNESS.
The problem with Glaucoma is that when the damage is done, it’s permanent. To date, we have no real way to reverse the damage. So it’s absolutely critical that we treat Glaucoma before the vision has been lost.
Don’t Go Blind. GET TESTED…
The Glaucoma Research Foundation highly recommends that anyone with risk factors for glaucoma get their eyes tested every year or two after age 35.
Risk Factors For Glaucoma
Are you over the age of 59?
Are you African-American, Hispanic or Asian over age 40?
Do you have a family member with glaucoma?
Do you use oral steroids such as Prednisone?
Have you ever had an eye injury?
Are you nearsighted?
Do you suffer from diabetes or hypertension?
Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction?
If you answer YES to any of the questions above, then you are at high risk. Remember, vision lost from the disease cannot be restored. If you are at high risk, undergo a glaucoma screening immediately.
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