2020 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108

Is Trabeculectomy More Likely to Reach a Given IOP Target?

QUESTION: Dr. Richardson: About 6 months ago I wrote letters to 6 glaucoma specialists in ******. I was hoping to find a doctor who wasn’t wedded to trabeculectomies, and was willing to consider other surgical procedures, such as canaloplasty. Eventually I based my...

Would I Be an Acceptable Candidate for Canaloplasty?

QUESTION: Greetings Dr. Richardson, Thanks for your response to my query. A little bit about my condition……I am 70 years old and have had POAG for years. My glaucoma specialist has recommended a trab for my left eye to reduce IOP from 15 to around 10. I...

Is the Canaloplasty Procedure a Mere “Marketing Concept”?

QUESTION: Hello David; Sorry it has taken a while to get back to you. I did receive my records but upon referral of my PCP, I wanted to see another ophthalmologist to get a second opinion regarding whether or not I needed a trabeculectomy. Mainly this was because of...