2020 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108


Doctor Richardson:

I purchased your book on cataracts. I wonder if I can trouble you to refer me to two sources on glaucoma and cataracts. What is the best text on glaucoma and cataracts. One level is for the pro and the other for lay. I am having a real hard time finding this kind of information. I have some medical background and have been a diabetic almost 35 years. I have glaucoma and may need cataract surgery in the near future.My doc is Robert Avery and Mark Silverberg both practice in Santa Barbara. Thanks for any info on the requested sources.



Dear ******,

I’m afraid there is no lay book on glaucoma that I can currently recommend. Indeed, for that reason I’m now working on the rough draft of So, You’ve Got Glaucoma? Unfortunately, it won’t be ready for print until late 2014 at the earliest.

As for textbooks, I can only recommend the ones I have been motivated to purchase in the last five years. As such, they are not basic texts and are really geared toward specialists or advanced surgical techniques which you may find a bit esoteric in your search for basic knowledge. Nevertheless, both of the following are excellent references:


Warm regards,
David Richardson, MD

Date: Nov 5, 2013


Posted in: Glaucoma